Резюме від 24 травня 2024 PRO


Motion designer, 3D artist

Повна зайнятість.
33 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту, Instagram та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Motion Designer | Project manager

з 06.2023 по нині (1 рік)
outsource, Вся Україна (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

• Implemented motion graphics and animation to create engaging visuals for presentations and product demos
• Developed a motion graphics video that expand viewership, resulting accelerating brand recognition


AI Prompt Designer

з 11.2022 по 06.2023 (7 місяців)
outsource, Вся Україна (IT)

• Writed prompts for generating image content with subsequent technology for overlaying the user’s face on the generated image using an AI model
• Tested the results and check the suitability of the material and inclusivity. Resulting in a 40% increase in user engagement

AR Designer | Face Swap lens

з 07.2020 по 09.2022 (2 роки 2 місяці)
Snapchat inc, Kiev (IT)

At Snapchat, I have made my career from a deployment manager in the Cameos department to a lens specialist. My responsibilities included assembling lenses, preparing assets, resource optimization, supporting experiments, and working with the UI using the Java Script language. I was responsible for the technical part and the correct operation of the content and maintaining the quality level of the product.

My achievements:
• Participated in the creation of content for partner projects: WWE, Ralph Louren, Daquan.
• Raised FaceSwap lens conversion by 8% due to size/quality ratio research.
• Added interactivity to the faceswap lens (+40% action rate).
• Studied Java Script to independently make changes to the code and support my ideas on UI / UX.
• I wrote my own script for After Effects that speeds up the work on improving the quality of a video asset from 5 minutes to 5 seconds.
• Supported the inclusiveness of the product (skin repainting / use of hairstyles / user recognition).
• For half a year, I reduced the size of the cameo chat from 400 to 40kb (increased the download speed).
• Assistance in finding new employees in the deployment department and training colleagues.

Skills: Lens Studio · Spark AR Studio · After Effects · JavaScript · User Interface Design

Resource Management | Chat Cameo

з 06.2019 по 07.2020 (1 рік 1 місяць)
AI Factory, Kiev (IT)

I was lucky enough to work for a startup like Ai Factory, which later became Cameos and was acquired by Snapchat. As a deploy manager I worked closely with the content creative team and backend team playing a massive role in making the process of creation and releasing content smooth and fast. I also worked hard to deliver high quality products and ensure quality of content through the process of deployment.

My achievements:
• Initiated and managed the deployment team at Kiev production, spearheading the Cameo deployment to enhance efficiency and quality; performed debugging processes to speed and quality optimization , resulting in a 25% increase in deployment efficiency
• Served as QA for a chat Cameos. Controlled deployment processes and post-production team (3 workers). What increased the amount of a content (Kiev production) by 50%, and improved the quality by 30%

Designer, 3d modeler, motion designer

з 10.2017 по 06.2019 (1 рік 8 місяців)
Alpha Commerce GMBH, Вся Україна (Роздрібна торгівля)

• Directed a team of freelancers (5 workers) in photo production, optimizing workflow, leading to a 30% reduction in content creation time and a 15% increase in daily output
• Spearheaded development and implementation of 3D modeling techniques to enhance visual content quality, driving a 20% improvement in customer engagement and a 10% growth in sales revenue

Freelance 3D Artist /Graphic Designer

з 06.2015 по 10.2017 (2 роки 4 місяці)
Freelance, Kiev (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

• Applied photography skills to create captivating images of shoes, aligning with the brand's aesthetic and increasing product visibility on Modna Kasta's platform; contributed to a 22% revenue growth for the discount seller
• Produced high-quality images of apparel, footwear, and accessories for e-commerce catalog using lightbox setup and on models; edited and optimized


Donetsk National Technical University

Mechanical engineering and automatisation, Донецьк
Вища, з 2008 по 2013 (5 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Interior visualization 3d Max (design school "Perspective")

2017, 5 months

2d animation in After Effect (animation school "Pause to Play")

2019, 4 months

Знання і навички

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Autodesk 3ds Max Adobe After Effects CSS HTML Adobe Lightroom Cinema 4D JavaScript Jira Trello Adobe 3D-моделирование Project management Анимация 2D-анимация Spark AR YouTrack Фото ( фотография, обработка, ретушь) Adobe Photosop Фото ( фотография, обработка) Adobe Photosop Lens Studio Charles Programm assistant Blender Unreal Engine 5 Octane Render Відеомонтаж

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — вище середнього
  • Іспанська — початковий
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Hi all! I have got extensive experience in large IT companies and start-ups. The last job was at Snapchat, where I was able to gain teamwork experience, learn new tools, and work with AR and ML technologies. I performed many different tasks to improve the level of the company’s product:

* Content preparing and optimization
* Set up workflows in a deployment team
* Work with the product based on metrics
* Product testing
* Engaged in the exchange of experience and training of colleagues
* Participation in experiments and new projects
* Preparing presentations
* Self-development of features
* Worked on product inclusiveness

In addition to my main activity, I am interested in technology development and learning new tools for working with photos, videos and 3d content. I suggest you familiarizing yourself with the list of my skills, and together we can create or improve your product:

* Cinema 4d
* After effects
* Blender
* Lens Studio
* Spark AR
* Unreal Engine 5
* Marvelous Designer
* Adobe Photoshop
* Java Script
* 3ds Max

I am currently based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I am open to new opportunities and proposals for cooperation in the field of IT and beyond.

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Схожі кандидати

Motion designer, 3D modeler, 2D animator, VFX artist
Київ, Черкаси, Дистанційно

Режисер, 2D-аніматор, 3D-моделлер, художник, сценарист
21000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Motion designer, animator 2D, 3D
Київ, Дистанційно

Motion Designer, 2D Animator
Київ, Дистанційно

Художник, ілюстратор, 2D animator

Motion-дизайнер, 2D animator (After Effects)
10000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати за містами

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